
Important Delivery

An adventure/simulation game where you control a small plane

About this game

In this simulation flight game your mission is deliver vaccines to all islanders in the shortest possible time. To get vaccines go to the distribution center that is located in the center of all the islands. Drop the vaccine at the established point and deliver the next package.

Role: Sole developer
Tools: Unity, Probuilder, Blender
Production: 1 Month
Status: Early concept development


In the game you drive a plane that need to deliver supplies to all islands in the area, but they are limited. There is a central point where you can collect more. You can press a button to drop a package. The objective is to leave all the packages in the shortest possible time


Triplanar Mapping Level

To make the islands faster I made a Triplanar shader in Unity ShaderGraph. Use the height of the map to know where the separation between the sand goes. for grass and rock it is somewhat similar but also uses the normal vector of the 3d model as a reference.

Original Concept


Important Delivery
Important Delivery
Important Delivery
Important Delivery